Sunday, November 29, 2009


Please help..... Back on the market %26amp; new to dating

I have had one date with a really nice guy %26amp; since then we have been txting %26amp; emailing but everytime I txt him it takes ages for him to reply AND I have asked him out twice (yes twice) for drinks %26amp; he says yes but then on the day 'something' comes up.

Am I missing all the signals?? I asked him if he wants me to leave him alone %26amp; he didn't answer the question but asked if I wanted to go for a walk next week (what's wrong with this week?)

Please help me, am I just fooling myself......??


he hasn't made up his mind yet, he feels you are so much in need of him, but let me tell you something, just stay awya from him, give him the notion that you are seeing someone else, and do not text, see call him. if he misses you, he will come fort.. then you have the balls in your hands.

Dating.....??music myspace

Yeah! That Now, you need to hook up with Alpump. Pump will not stand you up, but pump will scoop you up..

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