Sunday, December 6, 2009

College dating vs Real world dating?

Is it me or has the dating game changed since college? Lets face it, the dating game really sucks. It just seems that dating in your late 20's and eary 30's is something dreadful.

One interesting thing I've heard is that when you are in your teens you can't wait to date. When you are in your 20's and 30's you are terrified. When you are married you look back at dating and laugh.

College dating:

Meet guy/girl in class

Meet guy/girl in a fraternity or sorority

Meet someone in a club or organization

Meet someone at college parties

Much less stressful

No pressure to meet the perfect someone

Real World Dating:

Must schedule your date around work

Everything is based on first impression (usually superficial)

Financial and career status is important

Everyone is looking for "The perfect one"

Can't meet someone at work (Sexual Harassment concerns)

Bars and clubs make people uncomfortable

Anyways how do you feel about college dating compared to real world dating?

College dating vs Real world dating?hack myspace

Real world dating really sucks, everyone is looking for the perfect soul mate, for marriage qualities.

College dating is easy. Go out, have fun, get bored, move on. I miss college

College dating vs Real world dating?fake myspace

Meeting new people is always stressful, no matter what time in your life it is. Look at all the questions from people in middle and high school: "Does he like me?" or the ubiquitous "How do I win over this one guy? HELP!!!"

The best bet is just to keep initial expectations low. Talk to many different people, and have no agenda in mind. Then, if you hit it off, ask what their relationship status is (you can also check their ring fingers, of course).

This is much more elegant than heading into a formal dating situation, where the expectations are so much higher, and people can respond badly when they are disappointed. Good partners, IMHO, are wherever you find them.
college dating happens very naturally.. since there is a need from both the ends and adrenaline works very much during those years..

real world dating is pretty difficult and people start comparing their image with the partner.. and evaluate them..

check out here some cool dating tips for real world :

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