My friend who is white is seriously dating a Filipina who grew up in California (LA area). He is getting a lot of abuse and jokes from other friends (mostly whites but even a black guy) because his gf dated 2 black guys before him, at least one seriously as far as we know, and the other is in jail right now. The idea being that generally non-black girls that date black guys tend to be in the wild side (promiscuous) or be very easy, and this is really killing him inside. But another friend who was with the navy in the Philippines and is also from Ca says that Filipinas in general like black guys a lot (at least in comparison to other Asians) so for them dating blacks is not really a big deal. My friend has never dated a Filipino girl before. So I am passing this question from my friend, is it common for Filipinas in the US or in the Philippines to date blacks more often compared to other Asians, or not? , and in general would their parents be ok with this or not
Filipinas dating blacks, is it very common? Accepted or not by the parents?myspace text
From what I know personally, I'd say yes, it is more common for Filipino women to date black men. My brother dated two on different occasions, and I had a very good friend who is Filipino that liked to date black men and had two children by black men, but she dated white men as well. She eventually married a Filipino man.
Filipinas dating blacks, is it very common? Accepted or not by the parents? picture
what difference does it make? will he not want to date her if it's true? i mean i dont understand the purpose of this question
why would there be a preferrence to date white over black or vice versa? and why would this be important in a relationship, whether to you or your friend? if your friend don't like the relationship or the girl's history, then, he should look for someone else. instead of generalizing people as promiscuous.
And where in the Philippines did your navy man friend see Filipino girls dating blacks? You know the places I'm talking about.... these are the places where women seek dates for money. Of course Filipino men didn't go there!
You are being unfair to make generalizations about Filipino women dating black men. White men have been dating Filipinas also. Filipinos do not discriminate. And women from the Philippines have married just about every race and ethnicity there is on the map.
I am Filipino and I was a U.S. Navy man.
Your question should be the subject of a paper on race and race constructions in our culture . . . to answer though, I think it's safe to say a lot of Filipina women probably feel rejected by White men, and maybe feel more comfortable dating Black men as a result. I don't think you can generalize about all Filipina women based on race/ethnicity--every woman has her own standards for how she behaves, regardless of culture and stereotypes. If she is promiscuous, she'll be promiscuous whether or not she has dated Black guys, White guys, or purple guys (you get my point?). Look at her own behavior rather than her race before making a judgment about her character--how would you like it if everyone assumed aspects of your sexual history just based on your skin color and cultural background?
I agree, I am not too sure the basis of your question but to answer it anyway yes a majority do seem to prefer blacks but majority is anything over 50%.So not saying 99.9% do and he better hope hes with that 0.1% but generally speaking they do.Now as for parents being acceptant, that is very rare from my experiences.
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