Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dating ettiquette - after long term relationship?

Ok, well, I have just come out of a very long term relationship. Was with him for 3 1/2 years, we lived together and I also lived with my last 2 boyfriends before him. Essentially, it has been about 6 years since I have been single. I am certainly enjoying my freedom but am also wanting to explore my romantic options and maybe do some dating. The thing is, I'm 24 years old - and I don't know how to date!! Ridiculous right!? With my relationships things just took their course, as they do, but I have no idea what is appropriate and what is not in regards to dating (not manners, I've got that part down - it's the rest I need help with!). Is it ok if I want to pay for a date? Does it need to be said, or will it be assumed that we are NOT in a relationship just because we went on a date? How long do I wait to call them back? Kissing etc. on the first date? Should it be an active or low key date? I just feel so silly and lost!! Argh! Help me please! Any advice will be appreciated!

Dating ettiquette - after long term relationship?myspace surveys

don't pay for your date at most have enough money topay for yourself, wait till the end of the check and see if they pay for you don't ask but if they don't take your money out and pay for yourself not him. Also it should be a low key date and you are not automaticly in a relationship at the first date. If it goes right you might be able to get a first kiss but don't rush into anything

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