Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Is this dating rule fair?

My mother recently told me that I'm not allowed to date until I'm 18. Does any one else think this is taking it a little too far? I will not be able to date throughout highschool, and I'm already a Sophomore. I will not be able to go to Prom, even, because I will be 17 my entire Senior year. She thinks I'm going to start during college. I refuse to go to college. So I might as well never date. I'm so angry about this. She has no idea how alone I feel, and never will. I've never had a boyfriend, so what evidence does she have that I am not mature enough to date? She won't even tell me why I can't. She just told me, "the fact of the matter is that you cannot date until you're an adult, and that's what's going to happen." Well that is NOT fair. Adolescence is about finding out who you are and what kind of person you'll be. That means dating. You have to experiment. I'm afraid when I turn 18 and I'm out of her grasp I'll be 'left out' because everyone else is already experienced in dating

Is this dating rule fair?sexy myspace

I didn't have that rule and I didn't date in high school and surprisingly, when I got to college (which I highly recommend) a lot of people there didn't date in high school either. And it's not because we're jerks or losers or nerds or idiots, but because it just didn't happen in high school. In college, in a different environment, most of us have had several relationships and none of us feel inexperienced about the whole thing. Don't worry about the rule. If you don't let it constrict you and ruin your high school experience. Focus on your school work and go to a good college where you're more likely to find people who are more interested in what you're interested in. Another thing, is make good friends with both guys and girls because that can help with the dating process much more than actual dating. And you never know what a good friendship might turn into.

Is this dating rule fair?deleted myspace myspace.com

forget about her!! sneak out
That's soooooooooooooooooo totally unfair!!!!! Go out w/ someone anyways!!!
dude....im 16 and i have a bf against my moms wishes.

the key is not to let her know until like....you have prepared her for the idea. thats how im lettin my mom know that its my decision to date.
talk to her about it. tell her what you just posted,

"Adolescence is about finding out who you are and what kind of person you'll be. That means dating. You have to experiment. I'm afraid when I turn 18 and I'm out of her grasp I'll be 'left out' because everyone else is already experienced in dating"

voila, and good luck.
All I can say is that mama knows best and you should be obedience as it will reward you greatly in your future life.
if you do not like what ur mom establishes as the rules of the house, u need to tell her and not plan on sneaking around her back. trust me it will just be mayhem if u sneak around. when u are interested in a guy, tell ur mom about him, ask if u can go out on a date with him meet him. its all about compromise. u need to bargain and find a standing ground u both think are good for the rules on dating.

my mom's rule on dating is you can only date someone who is Armenian because I am Armenian. i snuck around with a non-Armenian and my parents did whatever they could to stop it. they didnt liek the sneaking around part, they later told me if you told me who u were dating and why we might have let it happen.

point being just be straight with ur mom, find a boundary, and keep it! dont sneak around!
ur mom doesn't have to know you got a bf.....
While you live at home you must follow the house rules. They do seem excessive, but your mother being so overprotective is just because she loves you and wants you to be safe...count the days till you turn 18 and then get the hell out of there. When you're older and have experienced more of life, you may appreciate what she tried to do for you...unfair or not.
my sister was in the same situation a few months ago, well she thought that she was going to be sneaky and start dating this guy. my mom found out and flipped! my sister hasn't gone out in 4 months except for school and work, my sister si her boss so she is always under surveillance. not sure if your mom is as bad as that but do you really want to risk that happening to you??????
hey they say the most bad things are the things that are enjoyable to do, but parents do know best, my only advice is that do what you think is right, besides we learn from uor mistakes, so just dont regret anything you do,
When it comes to your first girlfriend/boyfriend, you won't have any experience anyways because he/she is the FIRST. Being a gentleman comes naturally for some men. Real genuine men don't have to have experience to date because they don't need it. The same goes for women also. If your mother has instilled within you good morals and values, then it won't be hard at all to tap into them when the time is right. But, I understand why you feel that it is not fair. Talk it out with your mother; you never know what your mother could be saving you from.
I know how hurt you must feel. High School is about a time of experienceing things. As a mom i can understand what she is saying but i know how hard it is when you arnt out there doing things. I was in the same situation and retaliated and made a mistake ill live with the rest of my life. My advice to you is to try to talk to her one on one without getting mad or angry. Let her know you understand what she is saying and then ask her why she is making this choice and let her know how you feel. Try to come up with some ground rules maby by bringing a guy friend over to meet her and talk to her or by telling her who you might like and then see if she will go for you going out in a group. It doesnt seem like the answer you might want but know she is trying to protect you, just try to talk and see why she feels so strongly about this situation.
its fair an unfair..but it dont matter when your 18 you wont have a kid or 2 an u wont be left out unlike mothers who have had kids or got herpes at the age of 15. your mother is doing you a favor an when your older you will realize this
Try another friend of yours coming to your parent's home each of you with a male friend. You could play games at home with your parents there. This is something for you to try. I would suggest you discuss it with your mother first if you like. You might be surprised at the outcome. Hope all goes well.
you should start dating at 15 16 years old so you don't pick up loser later and have practice. and go to college it will open oney making doors and there will be study parties kegg parties homecomings football game and exicting campus life.

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